Dr. Rana Isaqi
Rana Isaqi, D.D.S has been practicing general dentistry in San Diego, California for more than 24 years. She is dedicated to her profession and her Patients.
She received her dental degree in 1991 and has been practicing dentistry in California since 1996.
Dr. Isaqi opened the Dentistry of Old Town Facility (San Diego) in 1998.
Dr. Isaqi is committed to offering the latest, most effective treatments possible, for everything from a simple filling to dental implants.

Memberships & Continued Education
To keep up-to-date in the changing world of dentistry, Dr. Isaqi is a member in good standing with:
- (ADA) American Dental Association
- (CDA) California Dental Association
- (SDCDS) San Diego County Dental Society